Ok, I could see something being Snakey food, but Snakey being food? That’s a new one on me.
Archive for Updates
Today Jackie takes over in the booth, with Bernie watching from the sidelines. The guy won’t go near the recording booth now, and I can’t blame him!
I’m finally back! Jackey an’ I are working on reviving this comic. Enjoy my latest misadventure here.
We’reĀ renovating here at WHYME Radio! I’ve opted to go with a blue color scheme for the time being. I hope everyone enjoys the new look. I’m still toying with it, though, so don’t be surprised to see new gimicks[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Two comics have been uploaded. One is a small ad for a pest extermination unit I wouldn’t call on a dare, and in the second Jackie shows where her priorities lie.
It seems to me that Bernie doesn’t like snakes. Or at least not Snakey. By the way, I’m trying out a new tool for making these comics, so it’ll look a little different. Lemme know if you like it.
Snakey, Jackie’s pet snake, has been missing since our first comic. Well, Bernie and I found him.
Well, I feel a little better now, since I’m not the only one who didn’t get how things work around here. If I feel bad about myself, there’s always Bernie. See what I mean in Comic 4.
It’s still clear as mud to me how this whole ‘D.J.’ job is supposed to work. Jackie tried to explain it to me, but it’s a no go. See more in comic three.
I’m not the most edumicated person on Earth, so thankfully I’ve got Jackie to keep me in line. Her life is a hard one, though, with me and Bernie relying on her for everything short of making sure we remember[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…